Signing up for a driving course is important. Indeed, a motorbike driving course has many advantages, such as mastering all the specific driving formalities, gaining or regaining confidence, improving your technique... or why not simply have fun?

To help reduce consumption

Riding smoothly can significantly reduce fuel consumption, even by less than 20%, and even more for those who generally drive more sportily. Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) activate atmospheric change, especially as fuel prices dissipate. In this case, eco-driving limits CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. But not only that, it also helps to control maintenance costs. In particular, this steering system is rather safe (reducing the risk of accidents by 10 to 15% by making driving more relaxed and by encouraging anticipation).

To master sliding and to acquire good reflexes

A driving course on snow will help you know how to resist to a patch of ice or to master sliding. Indeed, it allows you to acquire better reflexes and to experience the lack of grip in complete safety. This is a real insurance asset before leaving for winter sports. So, reacting efficiently and instinctively will be child's play after such a course if a slippery situation arises one day. For some people, the safety rules they learnt during their driving test will be neglected over the years, and this encourages them to develop bad habits. Road safety courses are designed to help you regain the right sensations and reflexes, to keep control and above all to remedy various emergency situations such as slippery roads, emergency braking, evasive manoeuvres, trajectory control, handling, etc.

To regain confidence and discover new sensations

Driving courses for senior citizens help them to regain their self-confidence and to maintain their freedom of movement in complete safety. From time to time, these courses help seniors, for example, to recognise that they are no longer alert enough to drive, especially for those who are tied to medical treatment or age. The driving course is also a real moment of pleasure and conviviality, a wonderful gift to offer to others or simply to offer oneself: an unforgettable experience that gives you a real adrenaline rush.